BATON ROUGE CITYSTATS tracks the quality of life in East Baton Rouge. It shows how far we’ve come as a parish, where we are, and where we need to go. The report compares progress on some of the same indicators over the years and polls for rotating topics of interest. The Baton Rouge Area Foundation has issued this report each year since 2009. All reports are available at BRCityStats.org.
CityStats is underwritten by the Newton B. Thomas Support Foundation, which is a nonprofit affiliate of the Baton Rouge Area Foundation. We thank Mr. Thomas and his family for supporting this project from the very beginning.
We aspire to measure East Baton Rouge’s strengths and weaknesses through quantitative and qualitative data analysis. This information helps us partner with others to make progress toward a better, more equitable parish.
HOW DATA IS COLLECTED: The Foundation hired the Baton Rouge Area Chamber to gather public data for this annual report. Separately, LJR Custom Strategies conducted a companion survey. The survey is a representative sample of East Baton Rouge Parish residents. Results of the survey are weighted by age, race, income and gender to most closely resemble the demographic makeup of the most recently available East Baton Rouge census data.
Sample size: 500
When conducted: August 3-9, 2023 via
cellphone and landline.
Margin of error: +/- 4.3%.